Other languages

Flens municipality itself does not provide a translation of the website into other languages, the primary language for the website is Swedish.

If you want to access the information in languages other than Swedish, you as a visitor can use external services to translate the content.

An example of such a service is Google Translate from Google. By you as a visitor using such a function, your visit will be tracked by the external party, for example Google.

Google translate Flens Municipality

Kommunala grundskolor


Rektor Stenhammarskolan:
Mats Jensen
Telefon: 0157-43 05 40
E-post: mats.jensen@edu.flen.se

Biträdande rektor:
Sofia Güner
Tel: 0157-43 06 02
E-post: sofia.guner@edu.flen.se

Lina Carnesten
Josefina Nicklasson

Tel: 0157-430603
E-post: stenhammar.admin@edu.flen.se

Stenhammarskolan fritidshem:

Stora fritids åk 2-3: 0157-430619

Lilla fritids åk fsk-1: 0157-430609


Rektor Malmaskolan:
Cecilia Bingmark
Tel: 0157-43 12 01
E-post: cecilia.bingmark@edu.flen.se

Veronica Johansson
Tel: 0157-43 12 03
E-post: veronica.johansson@edu.flen.se

Fritids Atlantiz:
Atlantiz: 0157-43 12 16
SMS: 072-166 25 99