Other languages

Flens municipality itself does not provide a translation of the website into other languages, the primary language for the website is Swedish.

If you want to access the information in languages other than Swedish, you as a visitor can use external services to translate the content.

An example of such a service is Google Translate from Google. By you as a visitor using such a function, your visit will be tracked by the external party, for example Google.

Google translate Flens Municipality

Pågående detaljplaner

Detaljplanerna som presenteras arbetar kommunen aktivt med. Det finns fler detaljplaner som fortfarande är pågående men till följd av prioriteringar arbetar inte kommunen med dessa i nuläget.


  • Samhällsplanering

    Gustaf Nyman Björklund
    Telefon: 0157-430299

    Lina Goldman
    Telefon: 0157-430305

    David Labba
    Telefon: 0157-430304

    Zahra Ahmadi
    Telefon: 0157-430306

Sidan uppdaterad: 2023-12-22

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